A very different Thursday night.

It’s Thursday; usually my Stand-up comedy day. There is no stand up tonight. There is a pain in my funny bone that only time with a classmate could fill. Somehow Beth knew this, she invited me to a ladies event as her guest. We attended the United Way of Utica’s 100 Women Who Care event. https://www.unitedwayvgu.org/100women (I will get the hang of this blogging thing eventually).

Her original date had some type of plague. I took off my pants and put a big girl dress on, I even brushed my hair. We chatted with lots of people; Beth is really great at people-ing. I used to be really good at this networking stuff. I have never been a fan of people, but I have been good at networking. I could use roller derby as an ice breaker. I don’t have an identity like I once did. I am in the process of redefining who I am.

I left with a couple business cards and a bird feeder. That’s what adults do at these things, right? We make bird feeders and exchange business cards. Remind me to get some of those, I don’t have the type of business cards people want to receive- I work in Social Services… my new cards will say ” I’m Mel, my job is of no real interest to you but I am capable of doing cool things when I’m not at work.” Then my contact information. Would that work?

Beth took this., she is great at selfies. We got photo bomb by 1 of the 3 males in the room.

I imported most of my old blogs from Blogger this evening. I’m having some issues moving some of them (this is not easy for whatever reason). Enjoy what I’ve moved thus far. These are from my egg donation days, might be some roller derby peppered in.

Slowly moving a lot of my me centric content here, hoping to migrate away from Facebook over time.

Published by MellFire

New to non profit/grass roots organizations. Left department of Social Services after 12 years. Finally 40+, feeling older most days. she/her, married, Central NY, retired roller derby skater/PR Chairperson for CNY Roller Derby, into crafty things; felt, sewing, baker, and now pottery. former craft beer enthusiast, former weight lifter (recovering from a back injury, L5S1 disc injury surgery on 3/12/2019). I’m presently working from home, looking to the future when we can do things again. *we can do things again, I am most definitely not doing things

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