Yes and…

Improv show tonight. Went to support my pals at the UTCA Improv Company. Levels II and III performed. These people are funny, joyful and quick. Things I wish I was.

I took improv I a few months back as an experiment of sorts, something to get me out of the house to interact with other people. I didn’t do well at all. I lack a performance gene. I’m afraid of failure, spontaneity scares me and quite honestly I lack a sense of joyfulness. All qualities an improv performer should possess. My classmates are naturals. Seeing them thrive melts my cold heart.

The openers for tonight’s show were from a local improv collective; they were on stage a really long time. I was hoping to see more of the local talent perform. Utica is full of so many funny people. Looking forward to seeing more from UTCA Improv Company soon.

Published by MellFire

New to non profit/grass roots organizations. Left department of Social Services after 12 years. Finally 40+, feeling older most days. she/her, married, Central NY, retired roller derby skater/PR Chairperson for CNY Roller Derby, into crafty things; felt, sewing, baker, and now pottery. former craft beer enthusiast, former weight lifter (recovering from a back injury, L5S1 disc injury surgery on 3/12/2019). I’m presently working from home, looking to the future when we can do things again. *we can do things again, I am most definitely not doing things

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