Oh I’ve been slacking and round 6.

It looks like I started a cycle a few months back and dropped off the face of the earth. I will try to be better this time. My last cycle was awesome, the same issues popped up. I had a cyst and had to have it drained, ick. It’s basically par for the course at this point. I missed a day and a half this time of work after the retrieval, my number 1 problem was the problem with number 2 again. If that is the worst of my problems constipation is a small price to pay.

I began preparation for my sixth cycle in September, I began with 2 packs of birth control pills. My Lupron Shots began after that. I am currently on .10ml of Lupron one time daily by injection before bed. I have been at the clinic twice in two weeks for baseline blood tests and ultra sounds. The blood tests were good to go, but I have another cyst and the lining of my uterus is super think. I need to shed it before I can start the next round of shots. Since my body isn’t cooperating I was given a shot in the butt of progesterone oil. This is supposed to help regulate my girlie parts and cause the lining to shed (i’ll get a period). I’m so bloated and cranky. I also feel bad that i am holding up the show, so to speak. I want my period NOW, but the shot could take up to 10 days to work its magic.

I have an appointment at the clinic on Tuesday, if I haven’t started my period by Monday morning I have to call them and likley reschedule until I have my period. I’ll be bummed if i have to wait. I am pretty sure the recipiant and the lab will be bummed as well.

I will try to be better when it comes to updating the blog this time around. I want to make sure I share all the fun with all of you.

Published by MellFire

New to non profit/grass roots organizations. Left department of Social Services after 12 years. Finally 40+, feeling older most days. she/her, married, Central NY, retired roller derby skater/PR Chairperson for CNY Roller Derby, into crafty things; felt, sewing, baker, and now pottery. former craft beer enthusiast, former weight lifter (recovering from a back injury, L5S1 disc injury surgery on 3/12/2019). I’m presently working from home, looking to the future when we can do things again. *we can do things again, I am most definitely not doing things

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