Hello Aunt Flo I’ve Missed You! (updated)

Wow it’s not often a gal is this excited to get her period. Either a gal’s period is late and she’s afraid she’s pregnant or she needs her period before she start some fertility treatments.

I’ve become paranoid about my cycles since I began donating eggs. I feel so good about giving someone a shot at being a parent, the money is SO helpful- but I am worried about my own ability to get knocked up someday. Everything that I read about fertility after egg donation seems to say that I will be fine. Some sources even say that the whole process of egg donation is too new to know for sure. I know that I want to do this a few more times before I become ineligible due to age. 32 is the magic number, after 32 I can no longer be a donor. So soon after my 32nd birthday I’m thinking I might like to have a wee ginger kid of my own.

A few years back 30 looked really far away, now its almost here. That means that 32 is just around the corner. I don’t think I have the baby urge, unless you count getting other ladies pregnant. I’m not ready for my own wee one, but I think I’d like one someday. Up until a couple of years ago I didn’t want any. I’ve come a long way, my mom is thrilled.

I called the fertility clinic this morning around 9am to let them know that I still didn’t have my period. I don’t want to waste their time with another visit if they are still waiting for me to bleed. Around lunch time today I had cramps. I was actually getting excited about menstrual cramping. A little while ago I finally got my period it wasn’t going to come early for anyone. This clinic wanted it 3 weeks ago, my uterus decided that it would bleed when it was ready (or the progesterone shot finally worked).

I’ll be back in the saddle tomorrow morning! I will try to update y’all tomorrow night.

Update: 9:26pm I came home from dance class and I tell my BF that I finally got my period. He says “oh honey, your uterus is no longer holding your eggs hostage, now you can start the rest of the shots” I love that man, yup my uterus was holding mt reproductive cycle hostage.

Published by MellFire

New to non profit/grass roots organizations. Left department of Social Services after 12 years. Finally 40+, feeling older most days. she/her, married, Central NY, retired roller derby skater/PR Chairperson for CNY Roller Derby, into crafty things; felt, sewing, baker, and now pottery. former craft beer enthusiast, former weight lifter (recovering from a back injury, L5S1 disc injury surgery on 3/12/2019). I’m presently working from home, looking to the future when we can do things again. *we can do things again, I am most definitely not doing things

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