Egg Donation Round 6

I started the egg donation process a few weeks ago. After my period in February I began taking birth control pills so the clinic can regulate my cycle with the recipients. After 3 weeks of pills I began taking Lupron . This is supposed to repress my body’s usual menstrual cycle. I administered this through injection in my stomach- I could have administered the shot in my booty or thigh, I choose the stomach each time.

After my first ultrasound the clinic discovered that I have a few oocytes (eggs) growing in my ovaries , my body should be producing one, maybe two eggs at a time, I have at least three maturing. Also the lining of my uterus is getting thick, this means that I should be ovulating soon and having a period. The clinic ups my Lupron dose in hopes of stalling the egg production. I return the following week and I have even more oocytes! Some how my body began producing a bunch of eggs with out the hormone injections.

The clinic isn’t sure why my body has decided to do the work for the clinic- they decided to mail me an HCG shot- this will cause the eggs to mature and make my body ovulate so I can can restart the cycle.

I am getting ancy- I want my period so I can get this show on the road. I was hoping to be done by the end of April. Oh well, you can predict nature or control it fully, right? I called the clinic today, the fertility nurses said that my period should come 7-10 days after the shot. I took the shot last wednesday. If I haven’t bled by then I have to call. I’m crossing my fingers that all is well.

Each cycle I usually take some of the money and I buy myself a little gift- like skates, a purse, boots, etc. This time I have to pay taxes! That is a whole other story- one directly related to my egg donations. I am going to make a separate post about that. Egg donation = hard work, egg donation = extra cash, egg donation = MUCHO TAXES, approximately $2400 worth of taxes from 2009. I will write about the taxes in a post titled, the IRS can kiss my hormone injected/bloated/baby making ass. 🙂

*photo- one of the MANY bruises on my belly from this cycle

Published by MellFire

New to non profit/grass roots organizations. Left department of Social Services after 12 years. Finally 40+, feeling older most days. she/her, married, Central NY, retired roller derby skater/PR Chairperson for CNY Roller Derby, into crafty things; felt, sewing, baker, and now pottery. former craft beer enthusiast, former weight lifter (recovering from a back injury, L5S1 disc injury surgery on 3/12/2019). I’m presently working from home, looking to the future when we can do things again. *we can do things again, I am most definitely not doing things

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