Egg Donation Round 6

I started the egg donation process a few weeks ago. After my period in February I began taking birth control pills so the clinic can regulate my cycle with the recipients. After 3 weeks of pills I began taking Lupron . This is supposed to repress my body’s usual menstrual cycle. I administered this throughContinue reading “Egg Donation Round 6”

Hello Aunt Flo I’ve Missed You! (updated)

Wow it’s not often a gal is this excited to get her period. Either a gal’s period is late and she’s afraid she’s pregnant or she needs her period before she start some fertility treatments. I’ve become paranoid about my cycles since I began donating eggs. I feel so good about giving someone a shotContinue reading “Hello Aunt Flo I’ve Missed You! (updated)”

Oh I’ve been slacking and round 6.

It looks like I started a cycle a few months back and dropped off the face of the earth. I will try to be better this time. My last cycle was awesome, the same issues popped up. I had a cyst and had to have it drained, ick. It’s basically par for the course atContinue reading “Oh I’ve been slacking and round 6.”